Saturday, July 2, 2011


July is going to be a very busy month for us! 
  • My mom & Sean's Aunt will be coming to visit.  First my mom and then Sean's Aunt will be here.  I love company; company makes life fun.
  • The babies will be SIX months!  I already feel like they are growing out of the baby stage!  They are BIG BOYS.  If only I could slow life down.
  • And Cael, my biggest boy will be turning FIVE at the end of the month.  Can this really be?  I better enjoy my FOUR, 4 & under, because it won't be long and I will have FOUR, 5 & under.  Sad.  I love my boys and I want them to grow up and have great lives, but I don't want them to grow up.  Make sense? BUT, it will be so fun to see what kind of men they become!
I am so looking forward to the month!  Hopefully, in here somewhere we can throw in swim lessons for the boys.   And of course we will be doing school on the weeks between company.
What a happy month! 

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