Monday, September 5, 2011

The Hard Truth about Homeschooling

Week 2
of the 2011-2012 school year started off a bit rough.   I will save you all the details and just say the babies were crying, diapers were “exploding”, Kipp would not stop singing at the TOP of his lungs and Cael an unwilling pupil.

After the fourth attempt to start school I gave up and sent the big boys outside to play, put the babies down for a nap and cleaned the kitchen.  Forty-five minutes later we began again for the FIFTH time.

Thankfully it went better and we even had a productive day.

The craziness got me thinking though...

Homeschooling is a TON of WORK!  

Although, I am enjoying it I am AMAZED that people actually do this with MULTIPLE children, for YEARS and even DECADES!!  I knew it would be hard, but seriously.

And this leads me to...

The Hard Truth
(to ADMIT that is....)
I have heard homeschool moms talk about how much they love having their children at home with them all day and some even go so far as to say how much they enjoy TEACHING their children.  To be painfully honest I must admit I have never believed them.  How could they enjoy all that WORK?  And what about having time to themselves don’t they miss it?  Please, please don’t hate me homeschool moms, but I thought it had to all be an act, so that you could look like super mom maybe? 

I AM SORRY!  I did not understand.   And how could I?  I had never been there.

I had not seen the joy that comes over my child’s face as he read on his own for the very first time or recited his memory work well.

Now here I am in the very beginning of our homeschool years and loving every minute, really.

YES, it is the HARDEST thing I have ever done.  To make myself prepare and teach lessons to a child, let’s be honest, that would rather be playing is no small task.  Then to do it while nursing twins, changing diapers, preparing meals, and doing tons of laundry seems down right NUTS, but...

It has been AMAZING.  I truly am enjoying it, it must be a God thing.  Being apart of Cael's triumphs and being there to cheer him on, is really beautiful.  I cannot imagine it any other way.  My child is WORTH all the hard work, the long days and the sacrifice.

Before I overwhelm you with all this mushiness.  Let me just say I cannot imagine doing this for decades either, after all it is still HARD WORK, but I am taking it one year, well one day really, at a time and will see where God leads.  At this moment I am just grateful for the opportunity to share in this learning experience with my son.

These days there is no alone time, free time or even me time, but now is the ONLY time I have to raise my children to love the Lord, to be men of character and to serve others.  My little blessings are worth way more than I can give.  Some of you, MOST of you are thinking "she IS CRAZY!"  NOPE-- just transformed by God!


Kettia said...

Love it Autumn! Enjoy every moment that you can. They grow up fast. I am glad you are living transformed. It's the only way to go!
Love ya,

Linda kay said...

Amazing Autumn! Great job sista!