I am really missing being able to blog, but right now every free moment I have is... Oh wait I have no free moments!
Okay, so we are trying to survive life right now. Over the last couple of months I have started having "energy problems" again... please don't insult me by saying it is just because I am a mom of four. All summer I have been handling four children beautifully. We have had a fabulous summer with me waking with babies up to 6 times a night and still putting in a full day of work and feeling great. Now the babies only get up once each, so I am up twice in the night, with my husband actually being the one to go get the babies and bring them to me and I am still struggling.
My house is a wreck, school is more than fallen by the wayside and my children are starving. Okay so maybe that is a bit dramatic, but it is more accurate than I care to say. Thankfully my husband comes home and puts on his mom cap. He cooks, cleans and takes care of the kiddos while I sit and shout orders from the couch!
No, really... from the couch.
I know, it sounds like the perfect life!! To be honest though, I am sad I am not the one up providing for my family. This "energy thing" is adding tons of stress to our once deliriously happy lives. sigh...
We are not sure if it is something to do with my Celiac's or running while nursing twins and being on a limited diet... hopefully my blood work will be in soon and we will get some answers.
ANYWAY these past couple of weeks have been particularly rough... praying life gets easier soon!
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