Monday, June 27, 2011

sunshine, lollipops &... oh no!

The sunshine this morning has been beautiful!  There is a cool breeze blowing and the sun coming up is so refreshing! This morning I had to open all the doors and windows to let in the fresh air and sunlight.  The boys and I are thoroughly enjoying the morning!  We went outside and inspected spiders and smelled the roses.

Sorry about that.  Where was I?  Oh, right I was about to say I can hear the birds singing while I write... but then they were drowned out by a baby crying.  Let me just recount my last 30 minutes for you
Finn crying- I pick him up to eat, but before we get settled...
Remington starts crying from his room- before I feed Finn I check on Remy...
He & his sheets are COVERD in POOP...
Ask Cael to hold Finn- I go clean up Remington and get him fed, while feeding I...
Read to the big boys "Love You Forever" and proceed to cry through the entire book (REALLY?!)...
Finally I feed Finn- Kipp decides to run out the front door...
I chase after him- poor Finn is still trying to eat, but of course that has to be put on hold to corral Kipp and get him back in the house...
Begin feeding Finn, again- Kipp is thirsty he stands on his tip toes and gets himself a drink from the frig, walks over to the rest of us and promptly (accidentally) dumps the cup of water on the couch...
Jumping up I run for towels(still nursing)- I guess the cushions will be enjoying the sunshine as well today...
Finn finally gets to finish eating- I read another book to the boys
Now here I sit with a baby on my lap and he is filling his pants with poo- ahhh, the JOYS!

Well, the moment of the beautiful morning has passed, but it was nice while it lasted.  I am off to change a baby and shut the doors and windows before the heat creeps in the house.
Oh, and I am COVERED in poo...NICE!

I hope YOUR day is going WELL!
This was a TRUE, live STORY and yes very typical of our days.  Even though life is nuts around here it is still wonderful.  A clean silent house without children would be just plain sad.

Pictures from our beautiful, CRAZY morning!  They are just randomness, but I had fun capturing our morning... well the beautiful part that is... I felt no need to capture the CRAZY part!
can you see the spider?

1 comment:

Autumn said...

I just thought I would mention that after changing Finn(& myself) I found Kipp dipping my makeup brush in the toilet and "painting" the bathroom cabinets! It is just going to be one of those days.